The US is just one of the 55+ international markets in which we help our clients find new business partners. Cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Houston, and Chicago offer globally-minded companies a quick and efficient way to find customers in the world’s largest economy.

Lava IP International is able to reliably and professionally help you grow your business in the US. Hundreds of satisfied clients have chosen Lava IP International for their business development needs across a range of industries and have leveraged our abilty to identify relevant business partners in a range of international markets quickly and professionally. We have success stories to report from each of the countries that we cover, and the US is no exception.

US business development can be challenging, which is why more and more companies each year are turning to us for their US business matchmaking needs. If you want to find a distributor in New York by next month, for example, or if you are planning a business trip to Miami and need to meet some interesting US business partners who understand what you do and want to meet you, then we can help.

If you would like to know more about how we are finding distribution partners for our clients in  San Francisco and elsewhere in the US then please send us your requirements. We will then explain specifically how you can benefit from our international business matchmaking services in the US market, and will explain how this can result in enhanced export growth for your company.

To grow your business in the US quickly, efficiently, and professionally, contact us today!